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jleft (at) orbitnet (dot) com
Orbitstar Interactica Archive - 2009

DodgeDot™ - A New Classic Game Is Born

(Voice of Futurama's Professor Farnsworth): GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY!!!

Our new Jampaq game, DodgeDot™ is now on sale in the iTunes Store! We got the approval acknowledgement a couple of hours ago and it's now up in the store and we've already started seeing sale!. If you've got either an iPhone or iPod Touch, go get it. We're sure you'll enjoy playing.

It's also powered by our own exclusive Jampaq Network player community, so you can register, have your own player profile, follow other players and be followed, with score ranking for weekly rounds and all-time champions.

Our testing this Summer showed it was a huge hit with men and women, boys and girls, and ages 3 1/2 to 88!

To get DodgeDot™, follow the buy link at our website (You'll also find a brief description of the game there): http://www.dodgedot.com

Or go directly to DodgeDot's iTunes Store page.

We're also hoping for some early killer reviews (these remain at the top, so we hope our first reviews are great!), so if you review us today, we'll be deeply appreciative!

This game represented six months of nearly solid 16/6.5 work on my and my Jampaq Founder/Partner Steve Doss' part. We've already got more fun under development, both for DodgeDot and other games, so this is just the beginning. Stay tuned!

- James Leftwich, IDSA 10/3/2009 3:22:36PM

I've become CXO at Jampaq

I've become CXO - Chief Experience Officer at Jampaq Software, Inc. in Belmont, California.

I've joined up with my longtime friend, colleague, and venture partner, Steve Doss, who's the Founder and CEO of Jampaq. A veteran software engineer and all-around renaissance creative master, Steve's produced many successful mobile games on the Palm and Windows Mobile platforms. Together we'll be extending that success into multiple computing platforms.

Very soon we will have some exciting news regarding our newest mobile game, so stay tuned!

We're also continuing to consult and develop software across wide range of platforms and usages, both Jampaq's own products as well as consulting and development for clients. Platforms include mobile, product, desktop, web, and combinations thereof. Usages include games, social networks, consumer electronics, medical, enterprise, and industrial applications.

- James Leftwich, IDSA 6/12/2009 12:15:27PM

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Please contact jleft (at) orbitnet (dot) com with any questions or comments